The session & Cookie test results are between the following 2 horizontal lines. You should see the text, "sessions work" below. If not please visit the suggested settings page.

WARNING: We could not create a session. Please enable cookies

The JavaScript test is between the following 2 horizontal lines. If you do not see the text, "JavaScript Works" then please visit the suggested settings page.

A PDF document should be displayed either between the following 2 horizontal lines or in a popup "Adobe Reader" window. This should contain the text "TEST: This is a PDF document". Please note that on slow machines your PDF Viewer can take up to a minute to open. If you do not see the PDF document, uninstall Adobe Reader(if you have it), then visit Adobe and download and install "Adobe Reader". Then return to the tests page and try again.

If the above tests all worked and you are still having problems accessing Vision-net please view our suggested settings page.