- by E on 13/02/2023
You're invited! We'd like to help you get the latest data on the companies that matter to you. In the fastest way possible. To do this we're holding a number of free information sessions for our customers and their teams.
In February, these helpful sessions will focus on the latest updates on Vision-net - Consumer Hub and Corporate Hub! Both are aimed to save you time and money. They'll focus both on company and consumer checks.
We'd love you and your colleagues to join us on anyone our sessions. Below is the schedule, if there's one that suits?
Consumer Hub - Information Session
Consumer Hub is a game changer. It combines 4 services into one hassle-free dashboard for your team. Consumer compliance and credit checking has never been easier. Copy and paste the links below to your calendar so you don't miss out!
Corporate Hub - Information Session
Our live webinars will be hosted on Microsoft Teams by our product expert, Kevin Rochford.
February is our "Knowledge Hub" month. Simply click the link to join! We can't wait to see you there!
Synesgy is our commitment to helping achieve NetZero by 2035.
2022 saw a rapid decrease in Irish start-ups, reaching their lowest point in 6 years. This decline was a direct result of rising inflation and a cost-of-living crisis in Ireland.
Ireland's new company start-up levels reached their lowest point in six years in 2022 due to economic uncertainty brought by rising inflation and a cost-of-living crisis.
Company's approach to 'sustainability' has now become a key factor when deciding on who to partner, or do business with.