Company Summary

Datex-Ohmeda Limited was set up on Wednesday the 29th of October 1997. Their current partial address is Dublin, and the company status is Ceased Irl.

Company Name:Datex-Ohmeda Limited
Company Status:CEASED IRL
Company Address:Unit 4,
77 Furze Road,
Sandyford Industrial Estate Dublin 18.,
Company Size:Log-In To View

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Latest Updates

The latest documents filed with the Companies Registration Office for Datex-Ohmeda Limited (which can include the Account Details) are listed below.

CRO DocumentEffective DateReceived By CROView Now
GENERAL RESOLUTION08/12/199909/12/1999Join Up
F14 NOT. OF LIQ./ CLOSURE OF BRANCH.08/12/199909/12/1999Join Up
F12 APPLICATION TO REGISTER A BRANCH. EEA29/10/199729/10/1997Join Up

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Directors & Owners

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Directors details are available to logged in users.

Ownership Structure

Company Type:External Company


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