Company Summary

Realta Technologies Teoranta was set up on Thursday the 14th of October 1999. Their current partial address is Dublin, and the company status is Dissolved with the company closing on Wednesday the 20th of December 2017. The company's current directors have been the director of 0 other Irish companies between them. Realta Technologies Teoranta has 1 shareholder.

Company Name:Réalta Technologies Teoranta
Company Status:DISSOLVED
Company Address:13 the Sweepstakes,
Dublin 4,
Ballsbridge, Dublin
Company Size:Log-In To View
Established:14/10/1999 (18 years in business).

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Latest Updates

The latest documents filed with the Companies Registration Office for Réalta Technologies Teoranta (which can include the Account Details) are listed below.

CRO DocumentEffective DateReceived By CROView Now
B10 CHANGE IN DIRECTORS/SECRETARY15/09/201616/09/2016Join Up
Account details16/08/201516/08/2015Join Up
B1 ANNUAL RETURN16/08/201516/08/2015Join Up
Account details24/08/201424/08/2014Join Up
B1 ANNUAL RETURN24/08/201424/08/2014Join Up

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Directors & Owners

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Directors details are available to logged in users.

Ownership Structure

Company Type:LTD - Private Company Limited By Shares
Number of Shareholders:1


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