- by Ian Finnie on 22/09/2016

We are delighted to announce the release of our new enhanced UK Credit Reports on Vision-net

This is the freshest UK scorecard in the market and it has been created with the most recent economic data available. We understand that this is particularly important in the wake of the recent Brexit decision.

Some of the enhancements include;

- A New More Predictive UK Scorecard

This is the freshest UK scorecard in the market and it has been created with the most recent economic data available. Thousands of companies accounts filed within the last 3 years were forensically examined to help our experts discover impending signs of failure.

- A Statistically Better Approach

Like our Rep. of Ireland scorecard, our new UK scorecard is based exclusively on the market it operates in. This allows us to probe the subtle nuances that can often occur in local filings. Some other credit rating agencies use a one size fits all scorecard and at Vision-net we don't believe that is good enough.

A Re-calibrated New Model

Scorecard methodology was constructed by Europe's leading experts in commercial scoring and the performance of this model was carefully evaluated over 12 months.

Statistically, this new model is more predictive and it is has a better distribution of scores. We hope you are pleased with the outcome.

As always please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you'd like more information on our Credit Reporting solutions on Irish or UK Companies to helpdesk.vision-net@crif.com or Tel: 01 903 2660.

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